Ever since I could walk I’ve been dancing and twirling through the living room and looking up at my sister who inspired me.

At the age of 14 I started supporting my sister while teaching at the local twirl club.

I brought this group to the world top and won many European and world titles.

In the meantime I completed my education at the dance academy and made many choreographies for twirlers all over Europe.
My expertise in the field of dance and twirl and a huge dose of creativity caused a great change within the twirl sport.

I brought dance, theater and the beautiful twirl sport closer together.
Now it’s time, together with my best friend Pieter, who is known for his enormous technical insight and creativity, to transfer our years of experience to a new generation of twirlers. This is because we both aim to professionalize the twirling sport even more and to make a new generation of twirlers enthusiastic about this great sport.

PD Choreography is for everyone, together we show the world what kind of cool creative beautiful sport we experience.

Free your mind and dance

Ever since i was very young i was attracted to dancing and sports in general.

At the age of 15 I had discovered a new sport, baton twirling. It seemed that I had a lot of talent. Through many hard trainings and working on my technique and execution every day the results came in. I won national championships and silver and bronze medals at European level and top 6 world level.

In the meantime I completed my coaching training and made many choreographies for twirlers all around Europe.
My contributions to this great sport has grown into creating my own identity in baton work.

I brought baton and body technique closer together.
Since 2002 I live in Italy where I continued as a national coach and where I achieve great results with my private athletes. In team and group context what resulted in many European titles and world titles.

Now it’s time to break new ground with my best friend Dion who is known for his immense gift, insight and creativity in Choreography. We want transfer our years of experience to a new generation of twirlers.

This is because we both have an important goal to professionalize the twirling sport even more and to make a new generation of twirlers enthusiastic about this great sport.

PD Choreography is for everyone, together we show the world what great creative moments we can experience.

Free your mind and let’s go twirl.