Creativity never stops.

Dance and Twirl workshops from the best international teachers in the field.


Norway / Italy / The Netherlands /Scotland/Spain/ Croatia/Czech Republic

EUROPEAN TOUR 2024, PD Choreo Workshops

This is your chance to be taught by the best teachers and choreographers in the field.
We will tour around Europe and you can find us in Norway, Italy, the Netherlands, Scotland, Spain, Czech Republic and Croatia. We will offer workshops for Athletes at the level of beginner, intermediate, advanced and elite.

From August 26th to September 8th 2024

So join us in August and book your ticket now.

What can you expect?

Dance and Twirl workshops from the best international teachers in the field.
Athletes can join us for one or 2 days (from 09.00 till 18.00).

Athletes workshops.

Contact material, Tricks, Rolls , 2 Baton, 3 Baton, Partner work, Freestyle, Dance & twirl combinations.

Athletes dance workshops.

Contemporary, Commercial, Dance expression. We work  with the Levels beginner, intermediate, advanced , elite.


PDC European Tour Teachers

We are proud to introduce you……..

Proud to present:

Keisuke Komada (Japan)

Shoshi Watanabe (Japan)

Luca Fasano (Italy)

Elisa Gregori (Italy)

Oscar Rico (Spain)

Anna Zafra (Spain)

Ziva Kovac (Slovenia)

Allan Revillon (France)

Tihomir Bendelja (Croatia)

Romy de Cuba (The Netherlands)

Andrea Salvi (Italy)

Aleksandar Boškov (Serbia)

Maya Kosmo (Norway)

Pieter Hazeu (Italy)

Dion Hoppenbrouwer (The Netherlands)


Buy your PDC european tour ticket now